The port of Saint Florent

Situation : 42° 38′ 50 N – 8° 17′ 89 E


Information about the city


Thanks to its location at the bottom of one of the most beautiful bays of the Mediterranean which has inspired many poets and writers, this ancient Roman city 1s now a popular resort which have lost none of its authenticity.

You will discover ancient buildings such as the Xl lth century Cathedral or the XVth Citadel which seems to crown the village, but you will also enJoy walking along the waterfront and enJoy the permanent animation of the marina , located in the heart of the village .

Only half an hour from the Port of Bastia and International airport, Sa1nt-Florent enJoys a privileged location .

Its configuration 1n the West allows it to also benefit Agr1ate and its exceptional sandy beaches, surrounded by a fragrant maquis.


 Information about the port

ANCHORAGE ONLY : transboarding by tender to the marina.





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